Ceramic Coatings and Car Wax

One of the biggest problem causing agents that erodes the various surfaces on your vehicle is winter salt and sand used for ice melt. Salt and sand can eat away at the finish of your clear coat and can even embed itself into the paint surface on your vehicle. It is essential to know how to protect your vehicle for the winter months. Wax sealants and ceramic coatings are two great options for protection.

Check out our prices and contact us with any questions about our detailing special.

Wax Sealant

A wax sealant is durable long lasting liquid wax that adheres to the paint surface of your vehicle. Most sealants will last between 6 and 10 months depending on environmental wear. A wax sealant will protect your clear coat from UV rays and other contaminates but will not form a hard shell of protection. It is a great option for moderate protection in the winter for a short time period.

Ceramic Coating

Ceramic coatings use a chemically bonding agent to form a hard shell of protection for your vehicle. This newer technology allows it to withstand contaminates and other harmful environmental influences to your clear coat. A ceramic coating will repel water and other substances and will make it so your vehicle is easier to clean each time it gets washed. Ceramic coatings can last up to 2 years depending on the type of coating and the environmental factors.

Check out our pricing or contact us to make an appointment!

Ceramic Coating